How to Clean Your Closet Before Moving

It is recommended to purge before moving to avoid packing and paying Calgary Movers to relocate items you no longer want or need.  This post provides a neat way to find those items you think you wear but really should donate, give or repurpose.

  • Make sure all your hangers are hung in the same direction, once you wear an article of clothing, hang it back up in the opposite direction from the rest. After about six months, donate the clothing on the hangers that have not changed direction.
  •  Make three piles; keep, donate, maybe. The maybe pile will be the articles that are the hardest to part with. These will go into a box where after six months if they have not been removed – will then go to donation. Make quick decisions and don’t dwell on whether you will wear the clothing again “someday”.
  • Commit to more than just a Spring Cleaning. Evaluate the items in your closet each season as your taste can change, you may have a new job that requires different clothing, or maybe you have lost some weight. Let go of the clothes that aren’t “you” anymore.
  • Remember why you are doing it. Clothes can hold a lot of sentimental value both good and bad. But when you have made the decision to donate your clothing to a local nonprofit – it is easier to part ways.
  • Once the clothing has been boxed or put into bags, call a local nonprofit that offers FREE home pick up services, such as Gone4Good.

So in reality, by donating clothing you are not only becoming a community champion, but you are helping save the environment as well.

The next time you are looking through your closet and telling yourself you will wear that dress, or suit jacket again someday – think of the difference that one piece of clothing can make in someone else’s life.


CPAA Gone4 Good Recycling Program

For over thirty years, the Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta (CPAA) has been supporting and enriching the lives of individuals affected by cerebral palsy and other disabilities. By introducing the Gone4Good Recycling programs, the CPAA has been able to enhance that support by creating programs and services tailored especially for their members.